High Quality Instruction in ESU 5

High quality instructional materials matter for all students in Nebraska and certainly for students within the ESU #5 region!  Our students deserve the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to prepare for success in college, career, and civic life. Our teachers need materials as their primary source of instructional tools that are aligned to expectations of the standards and are of good quality so they can focus their instructional planning on meeting the needs of students without having to search all over the internet for materials and still have to wonder if what they found is of good quality.

Schools in the ESU have made significant gains on selecting and implementing high quality materials.

ESU 5 professional development specialists have assisted many districts in adopting new materials and have several more in the process right now. 

Core Curricular Chart


Because materials matter for all Nebraska students. Nebraska Instructional Materials Collaborative. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2023, from https://nematerialsmatter.org/

Article written by: Joni Runge, Professional Development Consultant

I am so grateful that the ESU had so many specialists to work with my son, because now I know what to do to help my child with autism. The speech pathologist and occupational therapist from the ESU have allowed him to gain more than I ever expected him to. I don’t know what I would have done without them.
The best part of working at ESU 5 is the people I work with!
ESU 5 Staff Member
ESU 5 is a wonderful place to work! My co-workers are helpful, friendly and supportive.
ESU 5 Staff Member