- Evaluation’s only (e.g. testing, interviews, Multidisciplinary Team meetings)
Our school psychologists assist with consultation & collaboration, school safety, mental & behavioral health services, academic interventions & supports, equitable practices, promoting evidence-based practice, school-wide services to promote learning, and much more!
- Our school psychologists are active members of student problem solving teams and help to promote and establish Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
- Involvement in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support teams (MTSS), Positive Behavioral Interventions of Support (PBIS), and Student Assistance Teams (SAT)
- School districts have been receptive and welcoming of the expanded role of school psychologists
The School Psychology Department sent out a survey to school districts in order to assess their level of satisfaction with their ESU 5 school psychologist. The results of this survey indicated that Resource teachers at (8/8) school districts reported being majority “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” with the comprehensive practice of their school psychologist.