In 2019-20 we started with one Spanish teacher serving two school districts and have added two teachers each year since. This year we are seven amazing educators serving sixteen school districts across the state.
Joseba Moreno and Kim Ramirez will join Brittany Andrews teaching out of ESU 3.
Our slice of that pie has increased from 4% in the 2018-19 academic year to 26% in 2021-22. This means one of every four Distance Learning Classes eligible for that program was provided by ESU 5 last year.
At the beginning of the year, we communicate to students three core Program Belief Statements:
1. We believe that all Students can learn Spanish
2. We believe in a Positive Classroom Environment
3. We believe in World Language Best Practices
This past year we administered the AAPPL test in all of Spanish 2 and Dual Credit Spanish 3/4 classes. The AAPPL test is a standardized proficiency test that measures student ability to communicate in the language. 96% of our students met or exceeded our program goal of Novice High!
Our program is dedicated to the continuous improvement process. We will continue to engage in reflective practices to ensure we are meeting our stakeholders’ needs.
Provided by: Dr. Nick Ziegler