Grant dollars were used to purchase a transition curriculum which included hands on skill kits, pay teacher stipends, and purchase supplies needed for the program. The kits and curriculum included, Animal Care, Automotive Care, Childcare, Mail Handling and Sorting, Tabel Service, Nutrition, Problem Solving, LIving On Your Own, and Transportation. Students were able to apply what they were learning through the curriculum and apply it to real world experiences.
This summer, the ESU 5 Transition Program hosted a Transition Academy at 5 school districts for Pre- ETS students ages 14 - 21 with disabilities and 504 plans. Participating districts included Diller/Odell, Southern, Freeman, Meridian, and Fairbury. The programming consisted of Job Exploration/Counseling Activities, Workplace Readiness Training, Post-Secondary Training/College Exploration, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy.

A couple of programs brought in pets to work on skills from the Animal Care Kit, such as bathing, grooming and looking for any concerning signs for distress or illness. Kits loaned out to the schools from ESU 5 were based on individual student interests, preferences and needs outlined in their transition plans. While students were learning, teachers were able to gather observational and inventory data to utilize in their IEPs and 504 plans for the upcoming school year.

Written By: Jamie Thavenet, ESU 5 Transition Specialist / 504 Coordinator