Summary of the Events
On March 12, 2019, we held the ESU 5 Robotics Competition.
This was the capstone event of 2 months of work inside each district engaging middle school students (grades 6-8) in weekly challenges that scaffolded Digital Age Skills required of Future Ready Students.
Competition Day Events
Rover Challenge: Students brought their mBots equipped to engage in a Rover Challenge. Students needed to design and build extensions allowing them to code their mBots to grab and test samples for reflectivity & temperature.
Oh Buggers!: District teams split into two groups to tackle two separate code debugging activities focusing on the mBot Temperature Sensor & Display and the Servo Motors required of the robotic arms.
Battle Bots!: The Goal of Battle Bots was to design and code a robot that can survive a Battle Royale by popping other teams balloons while simultaneously protecting its own in a progressively shrinking zone.
Each member of the district team had an opportunity to engage in the Battle Royale. Points were assigned each round both for the number of balloons popped and the order in which teams were eliminated. It was an intense battle!
Congratulations to Diller-Odell – our 2019 Robotics Champions!